In an effort to help struggling businesses deal with the fall-out from the COVID-19 pandemic, ‎legislatures in Florida, Illinois, Maine and Rhode Island have recently proposed legislation to ‎require insurance carriers to cover COVID-19 related business interruption claims. Traditionally, ‎business interruption policies require that a business suffer some sort of physical loss or damage ‎before the carrier will pay-out on a business interruption claim.‎

Earlier this month, Florida passed House Bill 301 to remove the cap on the amount of fees that may be charged by a surplus lines broker in connection with the procurement of surplus lines insurance for a prospective insured. Instead of the old cap of a maximum of $35 per policy, surplus lines brokers will be able to charge any fee that is “reasonable” and disclosed to the insured in advance.

The Surplus Lines Law Group held its spring meeting on Friday, April 5 in Biloxi, Mississippi. A number of presentations were given at the meeting, including updates on the trends around the nation with respect to the diligence search requirement, international tax and cybersecurity issues, as well as a presentation by this author as to the challenges surrounding placing group insurance coverage on a surplus lines basis (including unique hurdles applicable to risk purchasing groups).

As we noted last week in our QuickStudy 2018 Statewide Elections: A Mixed Bag for Insurers?, elections for Governor of Florida and Georgia and Georgia Insurance Commissioner were too close to call. The outcomes of these races were important to insurers, reinsurers, consumers, policyholders and others involved in the

All eyes have been focused on the federal mid-term elections and the impact on the U.S. House and Senate. Post-mortems by the pundits have begun. See Locke Lord’s take on the mid-terms. The divided government in Washington, D.C. may well stymie efforts to regulate the insurance industry at the federal

Title: Dissecting the Amendments to Florida’s Viatical Settlement Act – Plus, a brief update on Delaware’s Amended Viatical Settlements Act
Date: Wednesday, December 20, 2018
Time: 12:00 pm Central / 1:00 pm Eastern

This program will discuss the 2017 amendments to Florida’s Viatical Settlement Act that became

You are invited to a Complimentary Webinar for Clients and Friends of Locke Lord LLP

Title: Dissecting the Amendments to Florida’s Viatical Settlement Act – Plus, a brief update on Delaware’s Amended Viatical Settlements Act
Date: Wednesday, December 20, 2018
Time: 12:00 pm Central / 1:00 pm