Join Locke Lord, InsurTechNY and InsurTech Hartford for their next InsurTech Legal Academy webinar series on common licensing issues that InsurTechs face when starting up or expanding their insurance-related activities. Expectations differ between the various states, as well as the NAIC, regarding what activities do and do not require insurance producer and surplus lines broker licensure (both on an individual and entity level). Moreover, even if an InsurTech is not making a final decision on whether to accept or deny a claim, it may “cross the line” into licensable activity as well. Zach and Moya will also touch on nuances in the reinsurance intermediary space as well, which differ substantially from insurance producer licensing standards in a number of states.
Excess and Surplus Lines
Excess and Surplus Lines Law Manual 2024 Update
We are happy to provide the 2024 edition of our Excess and Surplus Lines Law Manual. This edition reflects all of the pertinent changes in the surplus lines laws and regulations of the 50 states and U.S. territories during the past year. The website provides you with the ability to click on the states and territories of interest to view the updates, and a PDF of the entire manual.…
Texas Reduces Surplus Lines Stamping Fee
The Texas Department Insurance (“TDI”) Commissioner Cassie Brown issued an order decreasing the surplus lines stamping fee from .075% to .04% of gross premium resulting from surplus lines insurance contracts. The decrease will apply to new or renewal surplus lines policies with an effective date on or after January 1, 2024.…
Excess and Surplus Lines Law Manual 2023 Update
We are happy to provide the 2023 edition of our Excess and Surplus Lines Law Manual. This edition reflects all of the pertinent changes in the surplus lines laws and regulations of the 50 states and U.S. territories during the past year. The website provides you with the ability to click on the states and territories of interest to view the updates, and a PDF of the entire manual.…
You’re Invited: InsurTech Legal Academy Webinar Presented by Locke Lord and InsurTechNY
Join Locke Lord and InsurTechNY for their InsurTech Academy webinar series on legal and regulatory issues impacting the InsurTech industry. Each quarter, we’ll tackle a new important topic, starting with a primer on surplus lines insurance for InsurTechs.…
Update: LL Surplus Lines Series (Entry 35): Surplus Lines Working Group Exposes Changes to IID Plan of Operation for Alien Insurers
At the December National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Fall National Meeting, the Surplus Lines Working Group adopted changes to the IID Plan of Operation. The updated Plan of Operation incorporates, among others, the changes noted in our October posting below. The 2023 Plan of Operation is now available at the “Documents” tab of the Surplus Lines Working Group home page.”
On October 19, 2022, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Surplus Lines Working Group exposed proposed changes to the International Insurers Department (IID) Plan of Operation applicable to insurers domiciled outside the U.S. (alien) participating in the U.S. insurance market.…
LL Surplus Lines Series (Entry 34): Nonadmitted Model Act Moves Closer to Adoption; A Couple of Issues Remain Unresolved
On October, 17, 2022, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Surplus Lines Task Force held an interim meeting to discuss, among other agenda items, the draft changes to the Nonadmitted Insurance Model Act (#870). The Drafting Group presented the draft model to the Task Force on May 23 and the Task Force formally exposed the model for a 60-day public comment period that ended on July 21st.…
The Rise of the Domestic Surplus Lines Insurer
Zachary Lerner, Partner in Locke Lord’s New York office, authored an article in the New York Law Journal discussing the rise of the Domestic Surplus Lines Insurer (DSLI), key benefits of pursuing the formation or purchase of a DSLI and the associated challenges.…
Excess and Surplus Lines Law Manual 2022 Update
We are happy to provide the 2022 edition of our Excess and Surplus Lines Law Manual. This edition reflects all of the pertinent changes in the surplus lines laws and regulations of the 50 states and U.S. territories during the past year.…
LL Surplus Lines Series (Entry 33): Florida Legislators Consider Surplus Lines Bills
Florida lawmakers have recently introduced SB 1402 that could open up additional avenues for the placement of surplus lines business in the state. …