Following her party’s major victory in national elections, Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the draft budget of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government to the Indian Parliament. The draft budget includes proposed increases in permitted foreign investment in the insurance sector.
Geoffrey Etherington
OFAC Advisory to Maritime Shipping Industry
On September 20, 2018 the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) issued “OFAC Advisory to the Maritime Petroleum Shipping Community” to alert the shipping industry participants, including insurers, as to sanctions risks relating to petroleum shipments to or from Syria. OFAC’s Syria Sanctions Program is…
Midterm Elections—Florida and Georgia Update
As we noted last week in our QuickStudy 2018 Statewide Elections: A Mixed Bag for Insurers?, elections for Governor of Florida and Georgia and Georgia Insurance Commissioner were too close to call. The outcomes of these races were important to insurers, reinsurers, consumers, policyholders and others involved in the…
2018 Statewide Elections: A Mixed Bag for Insurers?
All eyes have been focused on the federal mid-term elections and the impact on the U.S. House and Senate. Post-mortems by the pundits have begun. See Locke Lord’s take on the mid-terms. The divided government in Washington, D.C. may well stymie efforts to regulate the insurance industry at the federal…
You’re Invited – Insurance M&A and Capital Raising Roundtable
Please join BDO USA, LLP, Locke Lord LLP, and Sandler O’Neill + Partners, L.P. for a complimentary breakfast briefing. This event will highlight key considerations in a successful M&A transaction or capital raising transaction in today’s economic climate for the insurance industry.
A panel discussion will follow discussing tax reform…
JPOA Extended until July 7, 2015: “Temporary” Iran Sanctions Relief Continues until July 7, 2015
Since the end of November 2013, the so-called P5 + 1 (the United States and its partners, China, France, the United Kingdom, Germany and Russia) have been negotiating with Iran regarding its nuclear program. The negotiations proceeded pursuant to a Joint Plan of Action (JPOA) providing temporary sanctions relief to…
Please Join Us – Edwards Wildman’s 2013 ILS Roundtable: The Convergence of Insurance and the Capital Markets
October 30, 2013
8:30 AM EST
Edwards Wildman Palmer LLP
750 Lexington Avenue, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10022 …
New York DFS Review of Private Equity Investments Delays Sun Life Transaction
Sun Life Financial Inc. announced on June 21, 2013 that it expects the review by the New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) of investments by private equity firms in reinsurers of annuities to delay past June 30, 2013 Sun Life’s sale of its U.S. annuity business to Delaware Life Holdings, LLC, a company owned by shareholders of Guggenheim Partners. Click here for a link to Sun Life’s press release. …
FIO Solicits Comments on Availability of Insurance for Natural Catastrophes
The U.S. Treasury Department’s Federal Insurance Office (FIO) is seeking comments on natural catastrophes and the current state of the market for insurance of natural catastrophe perils in the United States. FIO has also called for submission of papers analyzing natural catastrophes and the catastrophe insurance market. …
Swan Appointed Managing Director, Supervision by BMA
The Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA) announced that it has appointed Craig Swan, formerly the BMA’s Director, Insurance Supervision, to the newly created post Managing Director, Supervision. Mr. Swan will lead all of the BMA’s regulatory functions. The Director, Banking, Trust, Corporate Services and Investment and Director, Insurance Supervision will each report to Mr. Swan.…