On February 11, New Jersey Banking and Insurance Commissioner Zimmerman issued Bulletin 25-03 regarding the use of artificial intelligence systems (AIS) in insurance, applicable to all insurers authorized or admitted in New Jersey. New Jersey becomes the 23rd state to adopt the bulletin based on the NAIC Model Act on the Use of AIS by Insurers.

On February 5, Delaware joined 21 jurisdictions who adopted guidance similar to the NAIC Model Bulletin on the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems by Insurers in 2024, and four additional jurisdictions have otherwise issued guidance or regulation.

In addition to other detailed guidance, Bulletin No. 148 also reiterates the

2024 Insurance Forum
October 30, 2024 / 9:00 AM -3:30 PM
Offices of Locke Lord LLP, 111 S. Wacker Drive, 41st Floor, Chicago, IL 60606
In Person Only

Locke Lord is proud to sponsor and host the 2024 Insurance Forum in the Chicago office on October 30. Paige Waters will

On August 9, 2024, the West Virginia Office of the Insurance Commissioner issued Bulletin 24-06 on Artificial Intelligence Systems (“Bulletin”). The Bulletin is applicable to “all insurers authorized to do business in West Virginia.” The Bulletin does not adopt the entire NAIC Model Bulletin on the Use of AIS by Insurers (“NAIC Bulleting”) verbatim; however, the language and concepts included in the Bulletin and largely track the NAIC Bulletin and often verbatim.

On August 7, 2024, Michigan issued Bulletin 2024-20-INS on the Use of Artificial Intelligence Systems By Insurers. The Bulletin is applicable to all Insurers, Nonprofit Health Services Plans, HMOs, and Dental Plan Organizations (collectively, “Insurers”) holding certificates of authority to do business in Michigan and is based upon the NAIC Model Bulletin on the Use of AIS by Insurers.