Join Locke Lord, InsurTechNY and InsurTech Hartford for their next InsurTech Legal Academy webinar series on common licensing issues that InsurTechs face when starting up or expanding their insurance-related activities. Expectations differ between the various states, as well as the NAIC, regarding what activities do and do not require insurance producer and surplus lines broker licensure (both on an individual and entity level). Moreover, even if an InsurTech is not making a final decision on whether to accept or deny a claim, it may “cross the line” into licensable activity as well. Zach and Moya will also touch on nuances in the reinsurance intermediary space as well, which differ substantially from insurance producer licensing standards in a number of states.

Join Locke Lord, InsurTechNY and InsurTech Hartford for their next InsurTech Legal Academy webinar series on legal and regulatory issues ‎impacting the InsurTech industry. Each quarter, we tackle a new important topic impacting InsurTechs. This webinar will address the potential impact of AI Regulation on InsurTechs and give an overview of recent AI regulatory initiatives at the NAIC, state and federal levels.

Illinois has passed Senate Bill 2176 which is effective as of June 25,2021, repeals the state’s former non-UETA “Electronic Commerce Security Act”, and includes the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA), making Illinois the 49th state to have adopted UETA and leaving New York as the only non-UETA state.