Join Locke Lord, InsurTechNY and InsurTech Hartford for their next InsurTech Legal Academy webinar series on legal and regulatory issues ‎impacting the InsurTech industry. Each quarter, we tackle a new important topic impacting InsurTechs. This webinar will address the potential impact of AI Regulation on InsurTechs and give an overview of recent AI regulatory initiatives at the NAIC, state and federal levels.

On Tuesday, April 2, 2024, the Colorado Division of Insurance (“Division”) held its second Unfair Discrimination in Insurance Practices – Health Insurance Stakeholder meeting where the Division discussed efforts to develop regulations addressing governance and risk management framework requirements for health insurers’ use of external consumer data and information sources, algorithms, and predicative models. The meeting presented an opportunity for stakeholders to provide comments and insights with respect to their positions on how the Division should proceed.

Increased use and influence of artificial intelligence systems by companies and consumers bring with them new and dynamic oversight, compliance, governance and disclosure challenges. Legal and risk management professionals must develop processes and policies for AI tools that work within the requirements of the law as it is today, while also anticipating the coming wave of legal, regulatory and technological changes. Over the next few months, Locke Lord lawyers will tackle some of the most pressing AI concerns in a series of complimentary webinars discussing practical, real-world challenges facing organizations.

2023 has been a very productive year for regulators advancing their efforts to understand new technologies and consider whether and how to regulate the rapidly developing technologies, including artificial intelligence, predictive models and algorithms. Keeping in mind that existing insurance laws and regulations often are broad enough to sweep in the new technologies, both the industry and regulators desire a better understanding of how the technologies are being used and how to approach their regulation. In 2023, many initiatives took root and spurred further efforts to protect consumers in the wake of new technological innovations impacting the insurance industry.