Locke Lord’s Privacy & Cybersecurity Newsletter provides topical snapshots of recent developments in the fast-changing world of privacy, data protection, and cyber risk management. For further information on any of the subjects covered in the newsletter, please contact one of the members of our privacy and cybersecurity team.

We are happy to provide the 2021 edition of our Excess and Surplus Lines Law Manual. This edition reflects all of the pertinent changes in the surplus lines laws and regulations of the 50 states and U.S. territories during the past year. The website provides you with the ability to click on the states and territories of interest to view the updates.

On March 24, Locke Lord lawyers Brian Casey, Benjamin Sykes and Daron Janis, along with Mitch Wein, Senior Vice President of Research and Consulting at Novarica, will look at new regulatory developments in analytics, data usage, and data security that have the potential to affect insurer technology strategy.

Given increasing reliance on “managing general agents”, managing general underwriters, program administrators or managers, brokers, agents, coverholders, and other entities delegated insurer underwriting authority (collectively “Delegated Underwriting Authority Enterprises” or “DUAEs”), AM Best is seeking to implement a new “Performance Assessment” to evaluate the ability of DUAEs to provide services to their insurance partners.

The NAIC Innovation and Technology (EX) Task Force met December 4th and discussed and adopted model law language amendments to the Unfair Trade Practices Act (#880) pertaining to anti-rebating. The adopted amendments permit the offer or provision by insurers or producers, by or through employees, affiliates or third party representatives, of value-added products or services at no or reduced cost when such products or services are not specified in the policy of insurance if the product or service relates to the insurance coverage and meets certain other specified criteria.

Locke Lord’s Privacy & Cybersecurity Newsletter provides topical snapshots of recent developments in the fast-changing world of privacy, data protection, and cyber risk management. For further information on any of the subjects covered in the newsletter, please contact one of the members of our privacy and cybersecurity team.