Atlanta Partner and Co-Chair of Locke Lord’s Regulatory and Transactional Insurance Practice Brian Casey, Chicago Partner Ben Sykes and New York Partner Zachary Lerner co-authored a two-part article for Insurance Journal discussing the top insurance regulatory developments of 2020, examining a year that brought many changes to the industry.

The Texas Department of Insurance (“TDI”) has amended its administrative rules governing Texas captive insurance companies.  Specifically, TDI has revised various provisions in Volume 28, Chapter 6 of the Texas Administrative Code, primarily to comport with prior legislative changes in 2017 that impact the formation and oversight of captive insurance

The Texas Department of Insurance (“TDI”) has proposed amendments to 28 Texas Administrative Code sections 7.83 and 7.84, which govern the appeal of and frequency of TDI examinations. These amendments address changes to Texas Insurance Code section 401.052 and Chapter 964 of the Texas Insurance Code resulting from prior legislation. 

The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) has proposed a new rule and certain amendments to existing rules intended to implement provisions of the Texas Insurance Code that apply to captive insurance companies.

The proposed rule and amendments follow 2015 and 2017 legislative amendments to the Insurance Code, which enacted certain

Earlier this month, the Captive Insurance Agency Amendment Act of 2017 (DC LB 420) had its first reading before the District of Columbia Council. If enacted, LB 420 would increase the number of insurance products available for purchase through DC’s Captive Insurance Agency. LB 420 would also allow captive insurers

On December 29, 2016, the Internal Revenue Service issued Notice 2017-08, extending the disclosure deadlines for participants in and material advisors to certain micro-captive transactions.

Prior guidance from the Service, issued in Notice 2016-66, had identified certain micro-captive transactions as “transactions of interest” and indicated that the general disclosure requirements

The Internal Revenue Service on November 1 issued Notice 2016-66, which requires information reporting with respect to certain insurance or reinsurance transactions involving captive insurance companies that claim the benefits of an election under Section 831(b) of the Internal Revenue Code available to certain small insurance companies, often referred to