German insurer Munich Re issued a press release stating that while 2009 saw fewer natural catastrophe losses than 2008, the number of natural hazard events was above average.  Munich Re reports that economic losses totaled $50 billion and uninsured losses totaled $22 billion in 2009, as compared to $200 billion in economic losses and $50 billion in uninsured losses in 2008. 

On October 2, 2009, as part of the 48th Annual Corporate Counsel Institute held at Northwestern University School of Law, SEC Commissioner Elisse B. Walter gave a speech entitled “SEC Rulemaking — ‘Advancing The Law’ To Protect Investors.”  In her speech, Commissioner Walter touched upon the SEC’s recent work with respect to climate change disclosures, and her belief that climate change is a very serious issue. 

A group of European insurers and reinsurers, including Allianz, AXA, Munich Re, Swiss Re and Zurich, have established PERILS AG, based in Zurich, to collect and provide industry-wide European catastrophe insurance data. PERILS is intended to provide a service similar to that provided by Property Claims Services (PCS) in relation to US catastrophes. 

In a press release dated August 27, 2008, New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo announced what is claimed to be the first-ever agreement requiring a company, Xcel Energy (NYSE: XEL) (“Xcel”), to detail financial liabilities related to climate change.  The Office of the Attorney General reports that the agreement comes at a time when many power companies are investing in new coal-burning power generation that will contribute to global warming emissions. 

Today, Thursday, August 28, Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge’s Insurance and Reinsurance Department will host a webinar entitled “Insurance Implications of Climate Change”. This 60 minute webinar will comprise a discussion of the global legal framework which recognizes the reality of climate change. 

On Thursday, August 28, Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge’s Insurance and Reinsurance Department will host a webinar entitled “Insurance Implications of Climate Change”. This 60 minute webinar will comprise a discussion of the global legal framework which recognizes the reality of climate change. 

Last month, the Senate began debate on the first comprehensive climate change bill, known as the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act (the “Bill”).  The Bill would rely on a “cap and trade” program (the “Program”) to give power plants, factories and refineries financial incentive to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.  Under the Bill, the Program would first set a cap on the total carbon dioxide emissions allowed in the United States.