The FTC has increased the HSR filing thresholds for transactions that will close on or after February 28, 2018.  The new 2018 thresholds are slightly higher than the 2017 thresholds, and are as follows:

Size-of-parties thresholds:  $16.9M and $168.8M (up from $16.2M and $161.5M in 2017)

Smaller size-of-transaction threshold (which

Locke Lord’s Insurance & Reinsurance Newsletter provides topical snapshots of recent developments in the fast-changing world of insurance. For further information on any of the subjects covered in the newsletter, please contact one of the members of our Insurance team.

In This Issue:

  • “When Does the Acquisition of a

The United States Department of Justice has filed an action seeking to enjoin a hospital from enforcing provisions in its contracts with health insurers that prohibit the insurers from steering policyholders to lower cost providers1. The suit targets the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Hospital Authority, the dominant hospital in Charlotte, North

The UK Office of Fair Trading (OFT) announced on 13 January 2011 that seven insurance companies (Ageas Insurance Limited (formally Fortis Insurance Limited), Aviva plc, AXA Insurance UK plc, Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society, RBS Insurance Group Limited, Royal Sun Alliance and Zurich Insurance plc), and two IT software and service providers (Experian Limited and SSP Limited) have offered formal commitments to limit the type of information shared through a specialist market analysis tool.