June 9, 2015
8:00 am – 1:30 pm
Locke Lord LLP
750 Lexington Avenue, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Registration 8:00 am
Program 8:30 am
Lunch 12:30 pm
The Current State of Antitrust Immunity for Insurance Companies
by Thomas F. Bush and Rowe W. Snider
Legal provisions that once gave insurance companies broad protections from antitrust laws have been cut back significantly in recent years. This session will discuss the current status of those protections and identify the risks that insurers now face.
Emerging Trends in Market Conduct Exams
by Paige D. Waters
Industry representatives and other experts will discuss hot topics and trends in market conduct exams, including exam coordination between states and multistate exams, examinations of cyber security practices and common exam findings. Special attention will be paid to examinations of travel, health, and long term care lines of business.
Can the CFPB Regulate the Business of Insurance?
by Timothy V. Kemp and John Costello
This session will examine the authority of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau over the business of insurance, and ways in which the agency is extending its reach through “indirect” regulation. Included will be a review of recent enforcement actions involving Insurance Industry participants.
The Current State of Cyber Risk
by Theodore P. Augustinos and Laurie A. Kamaiko
This session will review recent developments in the world of privacy, cyber risks, and information security as they affect the insurance industry, including heightened regulatory scrutiny.
This course may be used for 4 CLE credit hours. Locke Lord is an accredited provider of continuing legal education in the State of New York.
To RSVP: Click Here
There is no charge for attendance at this seminar. Lunch will be served. Space is limited.