On June 17th, the Excess Lines Association of New York (“ELANY”) published Bulletin No. 2019-19 (the “Bulletin”) detailing New York’s substantial restrictions on group property and casualty insurance policies. The Bulletin echoes some of the remarks at the most recent Surplus Lines Law Group Meeting where this author provided details on the growing regulatory concerns as to group P&C policies.
InsurTech Weekly Roundup – June 10, 2019
While you were off changing the industry, you may have missed these important developments…
Ben Sykes Provides Testimony on NAIC Anti-Rebating Law
Chicago partner Ben Sykes provided testimony on the NAIC Anti-Rebating law’s impact on innovation today at the NAIC Innovation & Technology Task Force at the NAIC Insurance Summit, in Kansas City.…
Brian Casey and Chamber of Digital Commerce Meet with FIO
On May 28, 2019, Brian Casey, along with the senior leadership of the Chamber of Digital Commerce, the United States leading trade association representing the digital asset and blockchain industry, and representatives of two of its other members, USAA and AIG, and met with Federal Insurance Office’s Director Steven Seitz and several of his key, senior policy leadership team members to discuss the state of the insurtech industry and the existing and potential applications of blockchain technology to the insurance and reinsurance industries.…
InsurTech Weekly Roundup – May 17, 2019
While you were off changing the industry, you may have missed these important developments…
What Every InsurTech Should Know About Privacy and Cybersecurity
As an early stage or startup InsurTech, you’re highly focused on all the right things: identifying a challenge for the insurance industry, developing an innovative technical solution, making it practical and scalable, getting it funded, and implementing it. The industry for which InsurTech seeks to develop and deliver solutions is awash, however, in requirements and restrictions related to the collection, use, sharing, and protection of data.…
InsurTech Weekly Roundup – May 10, 2019
While you were off changing the industry, you may have missed these important developments…
Locke Lord Privacy Lawyer Authors Article in Best’s Review on Regulations Impacting InsurTechs
Ted Augustinos, a member of the steering committee of Locke Lord’s Privacy and Cybersecurity Practice Group, authored an article detailing the stifling effect of privacy and cybersecurity regulations on innovative data usage at insurance companies.…
InsurTech Weekly Roundup – April 12, 2019
While you were off changing the industry, you may have missed these important developments…
Insurance Industry Primer for InsurTechs
Chicago Partner Ben Sykes has authored an Insurance Industry Primer for InsurTechs. Click here to download a copy.…