On July 16, 2024, the Connecticut Department of Insurance (the “Department”) issued a press release announcing that Governor Ned Lamont has signed Public Act No. 24-138, “An Act Concerning Insurance Market Conduct and Insurance Licensing, the Insurance Department’s Technical Corrections and Other Revisions to the Insurance Statutes and Captive Insurance”, (the “Act”) into law. According to the Department, the Act furthers Connecticut’s commitment to the captive insurance industry, and the “new legislation underscores Connecticut’s dedication to fostering a business-friendly regulatory environment that promotes innovation and supports the growth of captive insurance companies.”

Please join Locke Lord and FTI Consulting for a complimentary webinar series on market influences and legal and regulatory issues impacting the health care industry in 2024. Over the next several months, we will explore the current deal-making environment, the role of bankruptcy and restructuring solutions and enforcement trends.

On May 24, 2024, the Massachusetts Division of Insurance (the “Division”) issued Insurance Bulletin 2024-06, “inducements, rebates and affiliated entities” (the “Bulletin”). The Bulletin is addressed to “all licensed insurance companies and insurance producers.” The Division issued the Bulletin to “remind insurance companies, officers thereof, and insurance producers authorized to operate in Massachusetts” that Massachusetts law prohibits, as an unfair or deceptive act or practice in connection with the transaction of insurance business, insurance companies, officers, and producers from “paying, giving, or allowing to pay or give, directly or indirectly, ‘anything of value’ or ‘any valuable consideration’, not specified in the insurance contract, as an inducement to the purchase of insurance or a rebate of insurance premium.” The Bulletin further reminds insurance producers that Massachusetts law also prohibits any “special favor or advantage” to accrue to an such producer that is not specified in the policy. Unlawful rebates or inducements are not solely limited to “reductions on insurance premiums”, but rather such rebates or inducements “include payments, reductions or discounts, not specified in the insurance contract, that would bestow anything of value, valuable consideration, special favor or advantage on the insurance producer.”

On May 23, 2024, the New York Department of Financial Services (the “Department”) issued Insurance Circular Letter No. 3 (the “Letter”). The Letter is addressed to “all insurers authorized to write property/casualty insurance in New York State, the New York Property Insurance Underwriting Association [‘NYPIUA’], and rate service organizations.” The purpose of the Letter is to “encourage all insurers authorized to write property/casualty insurance in New York State (‘insurers’) to offer loss mitigation tools and services to insureds for free or a reduced fee…and to encourage insurers, the [NYPIUA], and rate service organizations…to file with the [Department] actuarially appropriate discounts for insureds for the installation of devices or systems that mitigate or prevent losses….” As a result in a rise in the InsurTech space, in 2021 the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (“NAIC”) updated the anti-rebating section of the NAIC Model Unfair Trade Practices Act (#880) (Section 4(I)) by excluding various value-added products or services that an insurer or producer may offer at no cost or a reduced fee from the definition of impermissible discrimination or rebates. Other states have also implemented such changes.

Join Locke Lord, InsurTechNY and InsurTech Hartford for their next InsurTech Legal Academy webinar series on legal and regulatory issues ‎impacting the InsurTech industry. Each quarter, we tackle a new important topic impacting InsurTechs. This webinar will address the potential impact of AI Regulation on InsurTechs and give an overview of recent AI regulatory initiatives at the NAIC, state and federal levels.

We are happy to provide the 2024 edition of our Excess and Surplus Lines Law Manual. This edition reflects all of the pertinent changes in the surplus lines laws and regulations of the 50 states and U.S. territories during the past year. The website provides you with the ability to click on the states and territories of interest to view the updates, and a PDF of the entire manual.