Join Locke Lord, AIRROC and Pro. for the Boston Regional Education Day
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
8:00 am – 5:00 pm Eastern
Locke Lord LLP
111 Huntington Avenue, 9th Floor
Boston, MA
The program will feature updates on some of the biggest trending topics for the insurance industry in 2018:
- Hurricane Maria: A Caribbean Cat and the Puerto Rico Insurance Experience
- Insurance Business Transfer Statutes: Overview, Activity and the Potential
- Legal Update: A Report Out on Recent Notable Court Decisions
- Ethical Issues in Social Media and Metadata
Faculty includes experts from: General Re, Rexach & Pico, Locke Lord, PCI, Pro. and more.
There is no registration fee for AIRROC members and corporate partners and invited guests.
For more information and registration, click here.