Brian Green of Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge is in Washington, D.C., participating in “Behind the Curtain: Insight Into the Aviation Practice from Go-Team to Trial,” presented by the American Bar Association’s Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section and Aviation & Space Law Committee. The first day’s panels focused on various issues of aviation law, including Post Accident Response, NTSB and FAA Investigations and the differences between United States and European accident investigations. One of the more interesting panel discussions, which included the Honorable Robert W. Sweet, district court judge of the Southern District of New York and Harry Cibak, Senior Vice President at Global Aerospace, addressed the appropriateness of mediation in aviation accident lawsuits. The luncheon speaker, Allan McArtor, Chairman of Airbus Americas, spoke generally about the airplane market and explained that commercial aviation makes up about 10% of the U.S. GDP.
The panels during the conference’s second day will focus on expert testimony, pre-trial motion practice in aviation cases, trial technology, ethical issues and emerging aviation-related issues.
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