As discussed here, the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) recently released its Issues Paper on Group-Wide Solvency Assessment and Supervision, the purpose of which is to serve as a framework for the development of future papers providing guidance on group-wide solvency assessment and supervision on a global scale.On a related note, the Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros (SVS), Chile’s insurance regulator, recently announced that it will host the “First Latin American Regional Informative Session concerning Solvency Supervision by the IAIS” on April 20, 2009 as part of the annual meeting of the Subcommittee on Solvency and Actuarial Issues scheduled for April 21-23, 2009.  The purpose of the Informative Session is stated as being to allow IAIS Observers from the region to become intimately familiar with the Issues Paper and its new recommendations regarding solvency.  The announced program includes presentations regarding the reform processes in Europe, the United States and Japan and a discussion of the extension of such reforms and application of lessons learned to solvency regulation in emerging markets.

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