Governor Charlie Crist, Florida Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty, and Florida House Speaker Designate Ray Sansom were in London on July 15th to discuss state insurance issues.  Representing Governor Crist’s Team Florida Trade and Business Development Mission, the delegation met with Lord Levene, Lloyd’s of London chairman. Crist and his team were expected to discuss the role of global reinsurance and the threat of global warming.

Commissioner McCarty made the following comments before the meeting.

“The market for insurance against large scale natural disasters has evolved into a highly competitive marketplace and it is imperative that Florida remains out front as the market continues to evolve. The time for inefficient and potentially obstructive regulation has passed. We remain committed to developing efficient regulation that will stabilize these markets while still ensuring that the promise of available and affordable insurance made to Florida policyholders remains our primary focus.”

“The threat of continuing global warming is an issue that all Floridians need to be thinking about, because unless we all take action to help reduce its effects, the frequency and severity of future storms that strike Florida could bring about devastation greater than we ever have seen.  I am honored to have been asked by Gov. Crist to accompany him and other key officials on this important mission for Team Florida.”

Click here to read the Office of Insurance Regulation’s news release.