Washington H.B. 1001 was enacted on April 8, 2019, and will take effect on July 28, 2019.1 H.B. 1001 makes changes to Wash Rev. Code Chapter 48.110 governing service contracts and protection product guarantees which permit new items to be covered under service contracts and establishes new minimum net worth and financial responsibility requirements for service contract providers.

Under Texas law, extended warranties or “service contracts” are potentially subject to regulatory oversight by four state agencies. The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) oversees the licensing and regulation of home warranties—service contracts that cover a structural component, an appliance, or an electrical, plumbing, heating, cooling, or air-conditioning system of

On April 10, 2018, the FTC announced that its staff sent warning letters to six major companies that market and sell automobiles, cellular devices, and video gaming systems in the United States. The FTC expressed concerns with the companies’ promotional and warranty materials that require consumers to use specified parts