In conjunction with the Locke Lord COVID-19 task force, we are reviewing, analyzing, and compiling regulatory updates to provide clients easy access to information during this unprecedented time. If you have any questions on the subject matter below, do not hesitate to reach out. The information below relates to state and federal bulletins, emergency orders, pending/enacted legislation, and other related actions taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 Weekly Insurance Regulatory Updates To Keep You Informed During The Lockdown (October 10-16, 2020)
In conjunction with the Locke Lord COVID-19 task force, we are reviewing, analyzing, and compiling regulatory updates to provide clients easy access to information during this unprecedented time. If you have any questions on the subject matter below, do not hesitate to reach out. The information below relates to state and federal bulletins, emergency orders, pending/enacted legislation, and other related actions taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.…
COVID-19 Monthly Insurance Regulatory Updates To Keep You Informed During The Lockdown (September 2020)
For September we have provided a monthly recap of insurance regulatory COVID-19 updates. Moving forward updates will be published on a weekly basis.…
UK High Court Rules on Business Interruption Insurance Test Case
On September 15, 2020, the UK’s High Court issued its highly-anticipated ruling on the “test case” for COVID-19 business interruption insurance coverage. The case was brought by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) on behalf of several policyholders – many small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) – to determine how the Court would rule on several different policy wordings for business interruption insurance in relation to losses arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic. …
NEW PROGRAM ADDED: Join Locke Lord for a Complimentary Summer Speaker Series on Issues Impacting the Insurance Industry as We Move to the Next Phase of COVID-19
The summer is coming to an end…and so is our Summer Speaker Series! Join us for the final program in our series on issues impacting the insurance industry as we move to the next phase of COVID-19. One hour of CLE is approved in CA, IL, TX and NY. Other states are pending.…
COVID-19 Daily Insurance Regulatory Updates To Keep You Informed During The Lockdown (August 31, 2020)
In conjunction with the Locke Lord COVID-19 task force, we are reviewing, analyzing, and compiling regulatory updates to provide clients easy access to information during this unprecedented time. If you have any questions on the subject matter below, do not hesitate to reach out. The information below relates to state and federal bulletins, emergency orders, pending/enacted legislation, and other related actions taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. …
COVID-19 Daily Insurance Regulatory Updates To Keep You Informed During The Lockdown (August 28, 2020)
In conjunction with the Locke Lord COVID-19 task force, we are reviewing, analyzing, and compiling regulatory updates to provide clients easy access to information during this unprecedented time. If you have any questions on the subject matter below, do not hesitate to reach out. The information below relates to state and federal bulletins, emergency orders, pending/enacted legislation, and other related actions taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.…
COVID-19 Daily Insurance Regulatory Updates To Keep You Informed During The Lockdown (August 27, 2020)
In conjunction with the Locke Lord COVID-19 task force, we are reviewing, analyzing, and compiling regulatory updates to provide clients easy access to information during this unprecedented time. If you have any questions on the subject matter below, do not hesitate to reach out. The information below relates to state and federal bulletins, emergency orders, pending/enacted legislation, and other related actions taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.…
COVID-19 Daily Insurance Regulatory Updates To Keep You Informed During The Lockdown (August 26, 2020)
In conjunction with the Locke Lord COVID-19 task force, we are reviewing, analyzing, and compiling regulatory updates to provide clients easy access to information during this unprecedented time. If you have any questions on the subject matter below, do not hesitate to reach out. The information below relates to state and federal bulletins, emergency orders, pending/enacted legislation, and other related actions taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. …
COVID-19 Daily Insurance Regulatory Updates To Keep You Informed During The Lockdown (August 25, 2020)
In conjunction with the Locke Lord COVID-19 task force, we are reviewing, analyzing, and compiling regulatory updates to provide clients easy access to information during this unprecedented time. If you have any questions on the subject matter below, do not hesitate to reach out. The information below relates to state and federal bulletins, emergency orders, pending/enacted legislation, and other related actions taken in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. …