Alan Levin (Hartford, practice co-chair), Chuck Welsh (Hartford), Patrick Gennardo (New York), Brent Austin (Chicago), and Mohana Terry (New York) are attending the American Council of Life Insurers (“ACLI”) Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida, from October 16 through October 18.
The conference, primarily attended by ACLI’s member companies, gives the ACLI’s membership an opportunity to discuss key regulatory, market and industry events and issues that have occurred over the past year. Among the topics to be discussed are the use of social media in life insurance marketing, proposed Department of Labor and Securities and Exchange Commission rules relating to fiduciary obligations of producers, NAIC reinsurance collateral reform, and a discussion of how much stranger originated life insurance (“STOLI”)exists in the market. The STOLI discussion will be moderated by Edwards Wildman’s Mohana Terry.