The Insurance Insider is reporting that News Corporation’ directors’ and officers’ program in the United States is facing a “raft” of claims relating to the phone hacking scandal.  Please click here for a copy of the article.

The US government recently confirmed that it is investigating News Corp. for violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).  Please click here for a copy of the article on the investigation.  The FBI also confirmed that it is investigating possible phone hacking against 9/11 attack victims, possibly for violations of the Stored Communications Act.  Please click here for a copy of the article on the FBI investigation.  These allegations, along with Rupert Murdoch’s denial of any knowledge of wrongdoing, have also resulted in the filing of several civil suits by shareholders, including in Massachusetts and Delaware.  Please click here for a copy of the article on the lawsuits.

These claims could raise interesting coverage issues, such as intentional and fraudulent act exclusions and insurability under the law.  We will continue to monitor this story.