On 26 June 2008 we reported that the Scottish Parliament had proposed a bill to reinstate compensation for individuals who have pleural plaques, thereby reversing in Scotland the effect of the House of Lord’s decision in Johnston v NEI International Combustion. The Justice Committee of the Scottish Parliament have now issued their report regarding the Bill.

In their report the Committee consider the medical evidence regarding pleural plaques before going on to say that they believe individuals should be able to receive compensation for pleural plaques. The Committee’s report records that the Scottish Government has estimated that the cost of compensating pleural plaques would be between £5.5m and £6.5m per annum whilst the Association of British Insurers (ABI) says the cost would be between £76m and £607m.

The Committee’s view is that whilst the ABI  has probably “significantly overestimated” the costs, the Scottish Government may have underestimated the costs; they accordingly invite the Scottish Government to reconsider its estimates.

The Committee’s report can be accessed by clicking here.  A Parliamentary debate on the Bill is due to take place in November.