The investor claims come on the heels of a recent administrative action filed by Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin. The Massachusetts’ Administrative Complaint, a copy of which is attached here, accuses Bear Stearns of improperly trading mortgage-backed securities between its own accounts and the two failed hedge funds. Unlike the arbitration claims described above, the Administrative Complaint focuses almost exclusively on Bear Stearns Asset Management, Inc.’s (“BSAM”) alleged failure to implement federally mandated procedures concerning trading between Bear Stearns and the two hedge funds.
Specifically, BSAM is accused of failing to make the proper disclosures to independent directors about trades between Bear Stearns in its own accounts and the hedge funds managed by it. The Complaint seeks an Order requiring BSAM to permanently cease and desist from the violations complained of therein, censuring BSAM, imposing administrative fines and ordering any further actions that the Director or Hearing Officer overseeing the action deems just and appropriate for the protection of investors.
We will continue to monitor developments with respect to this and other subprime related matters and report them to you on