New York Superintendent of Insurance Eric R. Dinallo has asked the State’s Workers’ Compensation Board to create new regulations for workers’ compensation medical treatment using recently issued evidence-based guidelines. The goal is to establish a system in New York, like in some other states, whereby individuals with the same condition receive the same form of treatment. Superintendent Dinallo believes that through standardizing treatments “injured workers get faster and more effective medical care at a lower cost to employers,” and expects the new regulations to cut the time needed to resolve treatment disputes in half.
The guidelines were drafted by the Workers’ Compensation Reform Task Force with the help doctors and representatives from employers, insurance companies and state agencies. They focus on lower back, cervical spine, knee and shoulder injuries, which, according to the New York State Insurance Department, account for nearly 60% of total medical costs.
To view a copy of Superintendent Dinallo’s press release and accompanying guidelines, click here.