Director Chlora Lindley-Myers (MO), 2019 Chair of the Market Regulation and Consumer Affairs (D) Committee of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), announced on February 8, 2019 on a committee conference call the names of the regulators who will act as Chairs and Vice Chairs of the D Committee’s Task Forces and Working Groups for the coming year. They are:
Antifraud (D) Task Force
Superintendent John Franchini (NM), Chair
Commissioner Trinidad Navarro (DE), Vice Chair
Market Information Systems (D) Task Force
Director Lori Wing-Heier (AK), Chair
Director Chlora Lindley-Myers (MO), Vice Chair
Producer Licensing (D) Task Force
Director Larry Deiter (SD), Chair
Commissioner Mike Kreidler (WA), Vice Chair
Market Actions (D) Working Group
Angela Dingus (OH), Chair
Pam O’Connell (CA), Vice Chair
Market Analysis Procedures (D) Working Group
John Haworth (WA), Chair
Cari Lee (WI), Vice Chair
Market Conduct Annual Statement (MCAS) Blanks (D) Working Group
Maria Ailor (AZ), Chair
Angela Dingus (OH), Vice Chair
Market Conduct Exam Standards (D) Working Group
Director Bruce Ramge (NE), Chair
Russell Hamblen (KY), Vice Chair
Market Regulation Certification (D) Working Group
To Be Determined
Congratulations to each of these veteran regulators on their appointments.
We’ll keep you updated on new developments. Please contact us for more information.