Edwards Wildman Palmer’s Insurance and Reinsurance Department recently published its latest Newsletter, Insurance & Reinsurance Review – March 2012, which contains eleven articles about various topics in the insurance and reinsurance industry. Please click on the links below to read each article and if you would like to be added to the mailing list to receive the next edition of the Insurance and Reinsurance Review, please email us at InsureReinsure@edwardswildman.com. To view the entire Insurance & Reinsurance Review – March 2012, please click here.
In This Issue:
A Shift in the Balance of Power: An Analysis of the UK Takeover Code Changes Six Months On
by Damian Connolly, Andrew Overend and Theo Godfrey
Online Behavioral Advertising/Tracking Litigation: A Rising Risk Facing Insurers and Insureds
by Dominique R. Shelton, Laurie A. Kamaiko and Mark E. Schreiber
Black Horse brings some good news for lenders and insurers in the field of PPI
by Sam Tacey and Edward Norman
Insuring Against Cyber Risks: Congress and President Obama Weigh In
by Mark R. (“Mack”) Heilbrun, E. Paul Kanefsky and Isaac Brown
FSA Winds Up Firms Offering Unauthorised Satellite Television Warranties
by Rhys Davies
Medical Loss Ratio Requirements Force Reduction in Commissions Paid to Insurance Agents and Brokers
by Alfred J. Kritzman
Restraining Litigation in Support of Arbitration
by David Kendall and Ajita Shah
Nick Pearson Elected President of Insurance Federation of New York
New IRD Partners
Edwards Wildman’s New Leadership Team
Industry Presence