The legislation listed below is under consideration for inclusion on a future Assembly Insurance Committee agenda. In order to gather input on these bills, all interested parties are invited to offer comments in support or opposition to the bills listed below. Suggestions for proposed language changes are also welcome at this time.
All comments should be directed to Thank you.
A.869 (Destito) – Relates to the accounting of certain assets.
A.3387 (Heastie) – Provides that payment of interest payment and attorney fees to claimant when payment of a claim is overdue shall be exclusive remedy.
A.5217 (Peralta) – Prohibits the reduction of premiums on motor vehicle insurance for the completion of defensive driving courses or programs instructed solely over the internet.
A.7493 (Schimminger) – Requires the owners of public vessels intending to operate on the navigable waters of the state to obtain marine protection and indemnity insurance.
A.7896 (Destito) – Relates to certain requirements for group life insurance contracts.
A.10403 (Morelle) – Departmental Bill #338 (SID); Expands permissible types of property/casualty group insurance, permits new types of insurance to be written in N.Y. state and makes section 3442 permanent.
A.10839 (Morelle) – Relates to qualifications for organization of domestic reciprocal insurers.
Click the link below for recent Insurance news from the Assembly.
About NYS Assemblyman Joseph D. Morelle
Since 1990, Assemblyman Joseph D. Morelle has represented the 132nd Assembly District, which includes portions of the city of Rochester and the Monroe County suburbs of Irondequoit and Brighton. In 2007, Joe was named chair of the Assembly Standing Committee on Insurance.