Time: 5:30pm—9:00pm
Place: Arctica
384 3rd Ave (between 27th & 28th)
New York, New York 10016
Directions, click here.
Cost: $15 at the door (cash only please)—includes private room and lots of drink specials.
Please RSVP to events@reunder40s.org or visit our website at www.reunder40s.org.
An RSVP is requested but not necessary for admission. We encourage you to forward this invitation and bring your colleagues.
Please note that contributions to the U.S. Reinsurance Under 40s Group are NOT tax-deductible as a charitable donation to the donor. Please consult with your own tax advisor with regard to the deductibility of any such payments. The Under 40s makes no representations whatsoever with regard to the deductibility of same.