Today marks a new beginning at and we want to welcome all of our new readers to this Blog. is now just over six months old (we celebrated our half-birthday here) and today marks a day of significant growth for us. This Blog is a collaborative effort of Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge’s Insurance & Reinsurance Department, in conjunction with our firm colleagues who keep us abreast of blog-worthy developments that are related to our industry. And as of today, we are proud to announce that Edwards Angell Palmer & Dodge has merged with the London law firm of Kendall Freeman, significantly increasing the depth and strength of the firm’s Insurance & Reinsurance Department, to the benefit of
As you can see on the left-hand side of your screen, you can now click on a flag to read about industry developments in the United States, United Kingdom, Bermuda, Hong Kong and the European Union. Or you can click on a particular topic to read about developments across jurisdictions or only in your preferred jurisdiction. We hope that you find this navigation easy to understand and hope you find our increased breadth and content useful to your regular Blog reading.
Over the last six months, has become a one-stop resource for those in the industry to learn about industry developments and we are confident that our growth will enable us to become a resource for readers around the world.
Please continue to use the “comment” and “email the editor” icons to tell us what you think and please let us know if you have any questions or suggested topics for us to blog about.
Best regards,
The Blog Team